BBA Ecotech
BBA Ecotech

What are they all about?

Automatic timed-controlled systems specifically designed to dose our biological activators, both in liquid or powder form.


Time-controlled dosing system of

It is a programmable dispenser for liquids consisting of a dosing peristaltic pump and a microprocessor that weekly plans the product daily dosages. Dosing can be set up to optimize the product’s consumption according to the actual operational requirements. The system can be easily installed in any type of environment.


Time-controlled system for awakening and reproduction of MasterBioPellet

System to dose bacterial additives in solid form (powder) for industrial wastewater treatment plants, specially designed for unsupervised plants, but with permanent need of selected bacterial inoculum. The system has two simultaneous effects: improvement in the plants and a better management of the plant itself.


Time-controlled system for awakening and reproduction of Biological Activators in liquid form

System that dilutes in water, doses, awakes, multiplies and simultaneously feeds bacterial spores in our liquid products (MasterBio line) with the complete nutrition MasterBioPlus. It reduces maintenance costs for cleaning tanks and pipes, makes the time lapse between tanks emptying longer.
Thanks to the automatic dosing of the correct amount of mixture of selected bacterial strains and natural enzymes, it can be used with excellent results in unsupervised environments. Broad spectrum of activity and maximum effectiveness on a wide variety of plants.


Spraying system for application on tissue

Spray designed for the application of liquid products with density similar to water, through a micro-fine nozzle system, that distributes the product on tissue paper. A software manages capacity, synchronization of the nozzles and the amount of product to be sprayed per m2 of paper. The system produces a particular "dry fog" which prevents dripping.